U, Me, Die!


'U, Me, Die!' was a King of Tokyo style fighting game, where various combatants would face off using cards and insane abilities in all out fights to the death ... the last man standing, the victor.


The game was created collaboratively, with each contributor inputting their own characters and cards into the game. Players would accumulate resources by rolling four d6 at the start of their turns. The numbers rolled would be associated with a symbol on their character sheet, and they could spend the rolled resources only on their turn to use one or more of the granted abilities.


Morning Joe

One of the weaker characters through most of the design process, Morning Joe went through many revisions before it was decided that the original design was on par with the updated version of every other character. Morning Joe is a supervillain acting out of his local coffee shop, using the free Wi-Fi to commit cybercrimes! With the power to manipulate energy, Morning Joe was great at controlling the battlefield. What more, Morning Joe had an alternate win condition, allowing him to automatically win a battle if he reached 50 or more energy. However, he was only capable of using 25 energy at any given time, the rest of his energy going into reserves.

Morning Joe.jpg
Morning Joe Dice.jpg
Baby Jojo Final Card.jpg
Villanous Laughter Card.jpg
The Art of Standing Still Card.jpg


In addition to abilities, energy can also be spent on cards. Cards are placed down in the center of the table, three at a time, and can be purchased by players. These cards granted a variety of effects. Some, like 'The Art of Standing Still' or 'Villainous Laughter', could only be played as a reaction to a trigger event, but could be held by the player indefinitely. Follower cards like 'Baby JoJo' are immediately put into play upon purchase and grant an additional bonus or ability.


Great Wight

In addition, a character developed by William towards the end of production was the heavyweight champion, Great Wight, a shark with legs and hands coming up on land to duke it out with the best of em!

Great Wight, the Unstoppable.jpg

Neckbeard Samurai


Between Adventures