Between Adventures

A Dungeons & Dragons inspired Dating Simulator.



Between Adventures is a top down RPG that takes the player through a small town that their adventuring party has stopped at to rest and relax. As the main character, Scarf Knight, your job is to walk around talking with your party members and performing odd jobs for them. The game was developed with the idea that it could become a dating simulator beyond just a normal RPG, but with time constraints, the project only got as far as finishing the quests and putting the assets in their proper locations. Nevertheless, the party each has a different sort of relationship with the main character, which is prevalent through their speech and personalities. 



The world of Between Adventures runs was built using Unity, and involves a great deal of code written in C++ for a number of it's mechanics. However, some of the mechanics were undercut when the project shifted to using Pixel Crusher's Dialogue System, which granted the project a better developed, pre-established system for questing. Being added late into the project, this addition came with some issues that were late to be fixed, but resulted in a more complex and flushed out system. 

For creating the maps, William used Tiled2Unity, a pixel graphing system that allows for the creation of maps outside of Unity, that can be easily imported into your game. The service also provides a number of assets that can be purchased or downloaded for free.

The sprites were made by a peer with instructions and concepts laid out by Will.



A tiefling swashbuckler, Salacity enjoys the simple things in life, from going on walks through the city, to reading, to fishing by the docks. These are the little things your friend misses when you're out on the road, and he's heard rumors of a great cod that lies in the waters of this town. Problem is, he doesn't have bait good enough to catch this mighty fish. If you talk to Salacity, you can offer to grab him some new bait, prompting the quest, "Catfished!"


A priestess of Gond, Graali is an Orc and a good friend of yours. While not offering a quest herself, she will provide healing to you if you've taken damage. Graali enjoys metallurgy, hanging out in the forge when you meet her. She also enjoys prayer and card games!


Preferring the natural world, Mya can be found at the edges of the forest. Mya is a drow elf, who speaks quite ill of the town folk here. She enjoys sewing, nightly walks on the beach, and hunting, however she is incapable of entering the forest, as it is swarming with slimes. Offering your services to Mya prompts the quest, "A Girl Worth Fighting For!", and requires you to clear out the slimes in the forest. This also grants you the slime needed for Gobi Sworn-Hammer's quest. 

Gobi Sworn-Hammer

Requesting another battle immediately upon seeing you, Gobi remarks that you must have hit your head pretty hard not to remember your fight last night! Gobi Sworn-Hammer is your resident dwarf barbarian, and despite her short size, she easily outmatches both you and Graali in strength. Gobi enjoys brunch, listening to music, and working out. When you find her on the beach, she complains that the sand is getting everywhere, and causing her to chafe during her workouts. If you offer to grab her something to prevent the chafing, you prompt the quest, "Wet and Sticky!", which requires you to kill a slime and procure from it a sort of gooey lubricant, perfect for anti-chafe protection!


Wandering wizard does not describe this man's actions, but his mind ... and perhaps his eyes when you're around. Jamaak is the group's wizard and intelligence factor, and just has to take time off to destress from all the antics your party gets up to during travel. He enjoys looking at the stars, talking about feelings, and sitting by a warm fire. When you speak to Jamaak, he doesn't offer you a quest, but instead picks at your mind and talks to you about magic and magical theory. Jamaak has the most dialogue out of all of the NPCs, and will thoroughly describe magic in all it's glory to you. Depending on the choices in your conversation, he may leave you off on a better note!

Scarf Knight

The gender anonymous main character of our title is the mysterious Scarf Knight, a person who knows little about themselves, even less so of the previous night’s events.


U, Me, Die!


High Noon