No Strict Classes 

  • D100 system

  • Gadgets

  • GUNS (Heavy Customization)

  • Armor (Heavy Customization)

  • Crunchy

  • Living and Working around the local ecosystem and fighting the monsters within that ecosystem while still attempting to maintain it

  • Play right or die, customize builds to fight the current threat or be trounced by a monster, information gathering is just another step for strategy in this game

Roll Stats

Roll 4d6, drop the lowest of the four dice, and add up the other three. Place the rolls in whatever stats you like.


  • Strength (STR)

    • Physical power and musculature

      • Carry an ally to safety. Break down a door. Help hold a monster down.

  • Endurance (END)

    • Health and physical resilience.

      • Resist illness, exhaustion or pain. Hold your breath. Keep running.

  • Dexterity (DEX)

    • Agility, coordination, and nimbleness.

      • Keep balance and react quickly.

  • Charm (CHA)

    • Leadership and appeal. May indicate physical attractiveness.

      • Make a good impression. Argue politics. Look like you belong.

  • Intelligence (INT)

    • How well a hunter notices, remembers, and connects things. Knowledge of things learned outside of a classroom or training. 

      • Recall a detail. Piece together dispatched data. Remember a fact learned in leisure time.

  • Education (EDU)

    • How well a hunter acts, maintains, and resolves issues related to their mission. Knowledge of things learned in a classroom or as a part of special training.

      • Organize an emergency response team against an incoming threat. Manage a team of hunters or fulfill a task focused position in a hunter team.

  • Size (SZE)

    • Height and weight in relation to your surroundings. Health and taking blows. 

      • Replace checks in Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Charm and Education. Intimidate foes with your large stature or slip through the cracks with your small frame. 

Physical Health = (END + SZE) / 2 (rounded up)

Mental Health = (INT + EDU) / 2 (rounded up)

Social Health = (CHA + EDU) / 2 (rounded up)

Movement Value = ((DEX x SZE) - Highest Armor Value) / 10) + Set ABV

Instead of rolling to hit, roll to see what you hit. Head, Chest, Arms, or Legs. Then roll against that number. The objective is to get within the numbers range. If using a gun, add the recoil value to the result.

Heavy Gun A

Accuracy Value 12% 

Damage Value 6

Noise Value 30%

Range Value 5

Recoil Value 20% 

Reliability Value 2

Light Armor C

Head 10% / ABV 1

Chest 55% / ABV 2

Arms 15% / ABV 1

Legs 20% / ABV 2

Set Absorbable Value +2

  • Accuracy is a Value added to your aim when rolling to see what you hit in the first step of rolling. When I’m rolling to hit the Chest at Value 25% (Preferred Slot 1) with an Accuracy of 5%, I can choose to still hit the Chest if I roll a 26-30.

  • Damage is the amount of damage the gun would deal on a confirmed hit.

  • Noise is reduced from a roll from an encounter attempting to be stealthy on the same turn they use a firearm.

  • Range values are multiplied by 5, putting Melee Weapons and Unarmed Combat at a Value of 1 (5 feet)

  • Recoil is added to the attack roll. If I roll a 20 with Weapon A, my result after Recoil Value is 35.

  • Reliability is the minimum damage that can be done after or if damage is reduced by Absorbable Value.


  1. I am aiming to shoot a Human with a Heavy Gun A. I choose to aim for their Head.

  2. By choosing to aim for their Head, I am assigning Head under Preferred Slot 1 (PS1). In Preferred Slot 2 (PS2), I must choose between the Chest and Arms. Whichever is not chosen will be in Preferred Slot 3 (PS3), and Legs will be in Preferred Slot 4 (PS4).

  3. When I roll my d100, the order in which the percentages would be listed range from PS1 to PS4. On a Human wearing Light Armor C, the Light Armor C Head with a Value of 10% would be 1-10 on a d100 roll. The Light Armor C Chest Value of 55% would be 11-65. The Light Armor C Arms Value of 15% would be 66-80. The Light Armor C Legs Value of 20% would be 81-100.

  4. I roll a d100 and get a 4. I add the recoil value (RV) of Heavy Gun A (20%), giving me a 24. The accuracy value (AV) of Heavy Gun A is 12%. If I had rolled a 1-2 before adding my RV, I would have fell within my AV range at 21-22. By falling into AV range, I can choose to still hit my intended target rather than the next Preferred Slot. I do not fall into my AV, which means I will be aiming for the Chest.

  5. I am fighting a Human wearing a Light Armor set. They have a 35% in their Armor (Light) Skill. They can attempt now to circumvent the hit by rolling to Dodge with their Armor (Light) Skill. If they meet or roll lower than their Armor (Light) Skill, they Dodge. They roll a d100 and get a 40, meaning they do not Dodge.

  6. Their Light Armor C Chest Value is 55%. I must match their 55 or roll lower. I roll a 20, meaning I would hit, but first I must add the RV of Heavy Gun A

  7. The RV of Heavy Gun A is 20%. Adding this to my roll, I roll a 40, meaning I hit the Light Armor C Chest.

  8. The Human is wearing a full set of Light Armor C. The absorbable value (ABV) for Light Armor C Chest is 2. While wearing a full set of Light Armor C, the ABV for Light Armor C Chest is 4.

  9. Heavy Gun A deals 6 points of damage on a hit. The Light Armor C Chest absorbs 4 of those points, dealing 2 points of damage to the Human.

  10. The Human calculates their Physical Health by adding their Endurance and Size, dividing by 2, and rounding up. The Human has Endurance 13 and Size 9, resulting in Physical Health 22, divided by 2 resulting in 11.

  11. Taking 2 Physical Health damage places the Human at Physical Health 9 and grants the Human a Minor Wound. 

    1. Humans gain a Minor Wound by taking 2 Physical Health damage. A Minor Wound can be fixed during or after combat with a successful First Aid check.

    2. When a human takes 2 Minor Wounds, they combine those Wounds into a Major Wound, which can be fixed after combat with a successful First Aid check. 

    3. When a human takes 2 Major Wounds, they combine those Wounds into a Critical Wound, which can be fixed after combat with a successful Surgery check. 

    4. At 2 Physical Health, a Human falls unconscious. At 0 Physical Health, a Human dies. Fixing wounds must be done in order of severity.

Skill Base Rating

If a skill has a base rating of 1% or greater, anyone can attempt to use it. A skill at 0% can’t be used at all. No skill can be higher than 99%.


  • Alertness (20%)

    • Initiative, spotting hidden creatures

  • Anatomy (0%)

    • Investigating human bodies, diagnosing cause of death

  • Anthropology (0%)

    • Understanding human culture

  • Artillery (0%)

    • Weapons, war vehicles, and explosives that are far larger than what would be covered in other skills. Pairs with Craft.

  • Armor (Heavy) (0%)

    • Used for Heavy Armor Dodge checks. Pairs with Craft.

  • Armor (Mixed) (0%)

    • Used for Dodge checks when wearing Heavy & Light Armor. Pairs with Craft.

  • Armor (Light) (0%)

    • Used for Light Armor Dodge checks. Pairs with Craft.

  • Athletics (30%)

    • Used for feats of physical Str, Dex, and Endurance, such as climbing, running, lifting, pushing, carrying, or catching

  • Biology (0%)

    • Investigating plants and animals

  • Chemistry (0%)

    • Investigating substances and their properties

  • Craft (0%)

    • A catch-all for creating things. May require additional skills for creating certain things. Pairs with Craft.

  • Demolitions (0%)

    • Small to medium yield explosives, disarming and rigging bombs. Pairs with Craft.

  • Disguise (10%)

    • Blending in with your surroundings

  • Drive (20%)

    • Land based vehicles.

  • First Aid (10%)

    • Used for recovery on injuries

  • Heavy Machinery (10%)

    • Used for operating heavy machinery like construction equipment, generators, and engines. Pairs with Craft.

  • Heavy Firearms (5%)

    • Used for attacking with Heavy Guns. Pairs with Craft.

  • History (10%)

    • Recounting history

  • HUMINT (10%)

    • Human intelligence. Obtain information about a human by reading them, their body language, their attitude, and their actions.

  • Law

    • Understanding local and foreign laws

  • Light Firearms (10%)

    • Used for attacking with Light Guns. Pairs with Craft.

  • Melee Weapons (30%)

  • Medicine (0%)

    • Used for creating medicine and pharmaceuticals

  • Military Science (0%)

    • Used for tactics and principles of war against humans

  • MONINT (0%)

    • Monster intelligence. Obtain information about a monster by reading them, their body language, their attitude, and their actions.

  • Navigate (10%)

    • Used for traveling, especially over long distances

  • Persuade (20%)

    • Used to calm or reason with humans

  • Pilot (Air) (0%)

    • Used for air vehicles such as airships and balloons

  • Pilot (Water) (0%)

    • Used for water vehicles such as ships, boats, and submarines

  • Politics (10%)

    • Understanding human government

  • Psychotherapy (10%)

    • Understanding mental illness, emotional difficulties, and the human psyche

  • Ride (10%)

    • Used for riding animals and monsters

  • Search (20%)

    • Looking for objects within the local vicinity

  • Stealth (10%)

    • Hiding or hiding an object

  • Surgery (0%)

    • Used for recovery on critical injuries

  • Survival (10%)

    • Used for tracking, stalking, living off of nature, knowing facts about common plants and animals

  • Swim (20%)

    • Swimming

  • Unarmed Combat (40%)

    • Fighting with fists, kicks, headbutts, body slams, and elbows. Also, can be used for dodging when without armor.

Different Armor Sets have different hit chances

Armor A

Head 10%

Chest 40%

Arms 20%

Legs 30%

Armor B

Head 15%

Chest 30%

Arms 20%

Legs 35%

Light Armor C

Head 10%

Chest 55%

Arms 15%

Legs 20%

Tool Ideas

Casting Kit

With the constant rate of new monsters, both known and unknown coming into territories, sometimes a good start to cataloguing and researching the monster is to measure their tracks with a Casting Kit. These kits allow hunters to measure the depth and time line (shelf life?) of tracks, making a mold, and bringing it back home for further research. This type of research can point out certain characteristics in the monster’s body, such as whether it has claws or talons, if it might be a scaled, feathered, or furred creature, how roughly heavy the creature is (give or take 10 pounds). Research like this can also allow us to determine if the monster is local, regional, migrating, invasive, or undiscovered. 

Sampling Kit

Sampling kits are brought on missions for collecting DNA and digested samples.

Pepper Supply Box

When attempting to gather new knowledge on an otherwise undiscovered monster, a civilization will call upon one specially trained, highly proficient team to perform a suicide mission. These S-Rank monster hunters are given a special set of equipment called a Pepper Supply Box, which contain a weapon called the Whirligig, a dozen or so bombs called Hackies, and high yield firework-like based flash grenades called Birdidoos. These strange devices, though rudimentary in design, are the ideal equipment used for Weak point operations, which involve discovering the effectiveness of a monster’s armor and if they have any particular weak points. 

Monster Types

  • Local

    • Monsters that are found within the local vicinity but perhaps not throughout an entire region.

  • Regional

    • Monsters found throughout an entire region.

  • Migration

    • Monsters that move to and from regions based on the time of year.

  • Invasive

    • Monsters not native to local or regional territories that are non-migration and harmful to the surrounding ecosystem if not multiple ecosystems.

  • Undiscovered

    • Monsters not documented within known records.

Monster Features

  • Head

  • Arms

  • Legs

  • Chest

  • Tail

  • Wings

Monster Ranks

  • S

    • Extremely dangerous, requires multiple S-Rank Monster Hunter teams with specialized gear and preparation, Hunter Reserve assistance mandatory

  • A

    • Very dangerous, requires a few equivalent ranked monster hunter teams with specialized gear and preparation, Hunter Reserve assistance requested but not required

  • B

    • Highly dangerous, requires equivalent ranked Hunter team with specialized gear and preparation 

  • C

    • Moderately Dangerous, requires equivalent ranked Hunter team with specialized gear

  • D

    • Dangerous, requires equivalent ranked Hunter team

  • E

    • Somewhat dangerous, could be killed by town guards or watchmen

  • F

    • Non-problematic, could be killed by a child




Homebrew - Dungeons & Dragons